
FAQ Page

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What’s is the .zip file?

.Zip is an archive, which contains files. If you want to open the archive, you need a special program, such as 7-Zip. This program is free and you can download it at this link:
After installing the software, just double-click on .zip file and select “extract”.

What programs do I need to work with DIY cliparts?

I usually recommend using Adobe Photoshop, as it is the most convenient program for working with layers. You can also use GIMP (Free program), or any other image editors that allow you to work with layers.

I paid for the order but didn’t get the files.

Within 5 minutes after payment, you should receive an email to the address specified when placing the order. The email may have ended up in the spam folder. If for some reason you haven’t received an email, please email me at and I will send you the letter again.

Do I need a computer or can I use my smartphone?

By default, all my products are designed for personal computer users. I can’t guarantee that everything will work well on any other device. Every day a lot of new programs and new devices are released, so unfortunately I just can’t tell where exactly it will work and where it won’t. If you want to download files to your smartphone, please make sure that you have the necessary software, such as an archiver and a program for working with .PNG files

Why are files so large?

Large images can always be reduced and the quality will be good, but you can’t increase them without losing quality. Initially, I try to make large files to meet the needs of all users.

Why are prices on the site lower than in your etsy store?

This is primarily due to the commissions that digital sellers pay to the system, so prices on the site are about 10-15% lower.

Can you make something to order?

At the moment, I don’t take Custom Orders. But most of the products that you see on my site were created at the request of customers. So feel free to write to me and suggest your ideas 🙂

I wrote to you on social media but never received a response.

The modern world requires social media accounts, so I have them. But I’m not really a big fan of them 🙂 If you want to get a quick answer to your question, please contact me on etsy or email me.
If you write to me on etsy, I will respond within 24 hours
If you write to me by email, I will respond to you within 24-48 hours.
If you write to me on social networks, it may take more than 7 days to respond.
I would like to respond to all your messages instantly, but since I work alone and I do not have a call center or any assistants, it is simply impossible.
I hope for your understanding. ❤


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